Jury Albrecht Thiemann

Albrecht Thiemann


Born 1958 at Wetzlar, growing up at Wuppertal. 1967 to 1976 Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium (classical focus), in addition piano instruction, member of the Wuppertal Kurrende boys’ choir, singer in church choirs. 1972 to 1974 extramural studies of church music (C-exam), organist at various congregations. 1976 to 1977 studying philosophy, theology, sociology, and German literature at Freie Universität Berlin. Subsequently community service at a Bremen hospital (1977 to 1979). 1979 to 1981 assistance at a Jewish Human Rights Organisation in New York City as a volunteer of Action Reconciliation Service for Peace (ARSP), project coordinator in Washington, D. C. 1981 to 1988 enrolled for American, English, and German Studies, and philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin and State University of New York at Buffalo. 1989 to 1991 docent of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) at the University of Bath, England. 1991 to 1993 free-lance work as cultural journalist, translator, and interpreter in Berlin. 1993 to 2004 feuilletonist at “Märkische Allgemeine” (Potsdam) with main focus on music, media, and the visual arts.

From 2004 – 2021 editor in chief of “Opernwelt” (Berlin). Contributions to, among others, “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, “Die Welt”, “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, “Sächsische Zeitung”, “Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg”, “Westdeutscher Rundfunk”, “Deutschlandradio Kultur”, and “Deutschlandfunk”. Concert introductions, moderations, jury memberships. Co-initiator of the “Mortier Award” for the Musical Theatre.

Photo (c) DerTheaterverlag/MaxZerrahn