Jury Ole Wiggo Bang

Ole Wiggo Bang

Intendant, Wermland Opera, Karlstad

Ole Wiggo Bang started his professional career as a conductor in Norway in 1975. In the 1970s and ’80s he conducted most of the Norwegian and Swedish orchestras and was chief conductor at Göteborg Opera (Stora Teatern) until 1982, when he was appointed Intendant of Wermland Opera at the early age of thirty. Concentrating his activities on Karlstad, he has developed Wermland Opera from a very small music theatre to become one of the most important opera houses in Scandinavia. His achievements comprise special opera projects such as the complete RING performed within a week, or the presentation of unknown musicals in Sweden. Apart from his activities in Sweden, during the mid-1990s he was also Artistic Director of The International Festival in Bergen.

Photo (c) Wermland Opera