

The three rounds of the competition:

Round 1

Submission and Initial Selection

Each RING AWARD team develops a complete general concept, with consideration of the musical text, for the staging of the whole competition opera and produces drawings for the set or sets, including figurines. The jury nominates nine teams to enter the second round of the competition.
The jury decision will be published online on the RING AWARD website on 26  September 2019.

Submission Deadline: 19 August 2019

Round 2
Semifinal: 9 – 11 January 2020 at Next Liberty

Semifinal teams are expected to develop detailed stage conceptions for the second act of W.A. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni”, the passage from Leoprello: “O statua gentilissima” to Leporello: “come mi fa terror”,  with corresponding set(s) using conventional methods (models 1 : 20 – 1 : 50) and, optionally, additional electronic means. The work of the teams is presented to the jury and a public audience. Presentation time for each team is a maximum of 20 minutes.
In addition, probational rehearsals will be held to inform the RING AWARD Jury about the technical skills of the competing directors. The teams will discuss their stage concepts with the jury and the stage designers will be critically interviewed about the feasibility of their conceptions. Results of these rehearsals and interviews will become part of the overall judgements after the semifinal presentations. The RING AWARD Jury will nominate three teams to enter the third round of the competition. At the semifinal an Audience Prize will be awarded.

Timetable Semifinal

The projects for the second stage of the competition must be submitted by 2 January 2020.

The Semifinal for Audiences

The public presentation of the projects takes place on Saturday, 11 January 2020 at Next Liberty Theatre Graz.

Round 3
RING AWARD FINAL: 26 – 27 June 2021 at Schauspielhaus Graz

It is the task for the RING AWARD final teams to prepare within 8 days (15 – 24 June 2021) a stage performance of the second act of W.A. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni”, the passage from Leoprello: “O statua gentilissima” to Leporello: “come mi fa terror” with the singers and musical accompaniment in the corresponding set or sets. In accordance with the aims of the competition, the musical accompaniment will be by piano. The final teams are required to hand in their particular arrangements of the piano score to the competition organisers by 1 May 2021. At the RING AWARD final at Schauspielhaus Graz the given passages will be performed before a public audience and the RING AWARD Jury.
All teams work to the same budget, which must not be exceeded in any circumstances. All RING AWARD teams will have the same stage facilities at their disposal.

Timetable RING AWARD Final
The final set and costume designs will have to be delivered by 28 February 2020 (this took place – then the competition had to be postponed due to COVID-19).
The adapted piano score arrangements will have to be sent electronically to both the organisers and the allotted team of singers by 1 May 2021.
Tue 15 – Thu 24 June 2020: rehearsals with the singers
Performances: Sat 26 – Sun 27 June 2020

The Competition Final for Audiences

The the performances of the final teams will take place on Saturday, 26 and Sunday, 27 June 2021.


It is agreed to oust the jurisdiction of a court. The organisers reserve the right to alter, discontinue or revoke the competition during any stage, in particular if the public funds proposed for that purpose are not made available at all or in sufficient quantity. However, the competition may be revoked also for other reasons.
In the event the competition is altered or fully discontinued, the participants renounce the right to assert any reimbursement of expenses or any other compensation claims. However, this waiver does not cover any registration fees already paid; these will be reimbursed to the participants in the event the competition is revoked.